Why buy tortilla chips from a store ever again?

Homemade Tortilla Chips

Soft White-or-Yellow Corn Tortillas (Taco Size)

Vegetable Oil

Sea Salt



1. In a medium-sized pot or a pan with high sides, fill with vegetable oil about 1.5-2” deep. (I usually fill to the second knuckle on my middle finger.)

2. Turn the stove to medium-high heat and heat up the oil. (Monitor this with a candy thermometer!)

3. While the oil heats up, slice your tortillas into triangles, (6 each, slice in half, then into thirds). Also, prepare a baking sheet by lining it with paper towels.

4. Once the oil has reached 350-355 degrees F, turn the stove to medium or medium-low, depending on the strength of your burner. (You will want to keep the temperature of the oil consistently between 350 and 365 degrees F.)

5. Drop in the tortilla triangles 1 at a time, cooking in batches of 3-6. Turn the chips over every 20-30 seconds to keep them browning evenly using a slotted spoon.

6. Keep frying the chips until they become a nice, even tan color, this should take approximately 2 minutes per batch. (If you notice a dark border forming on the edge of your chips, the oil is too hot!)

7. When the chips are the right color, remove from the oil using a slotted spoon and transfer to the paper towel-lined baking sheet. Season with a pinch of sea salt and allow to cool.

8. Repeat steps 5-7 until out of tortilla triangles.

9. Enjoy with your favorite dip! (Or bring them to a dip party!)