“There’s literally no ******* reason to buy canned whipped cream. It’s ********. All you ******* need to do is put some ******* cream in a ******* bowl with a little bit of sugar and ******* whip it.”

— Me, if you were to ask me about Reddi Whip and similar products

Whipped Cream


Heavy Whipping Cream

Confectioners Sugar

Optional Flavoring: Vanilla Extract, Honey, Maple Syrup, Coffee Extract, Lemon Juice, Almond Extract, Cinnamon



1. Place whichever bowl and whisk you will be using to whip the cream in a freezer for 10-15 minutes. (This step particularly helps if you are whipping the cream by hand!)

2. Pour heavy whipping cream into the bowl and start whipping:

  • If using a stand or hand mixer, start slow then increase to high speed as cream starts to thicken.

  • If whipping cream by hand, whisk in a light but assertive circular motion with the bowl slightly tilted. You’ll get tired, but don’t quit too early! It’s worth it.

3. Once cream is slightly thickened but not quite stiff, add a few spoonfuls of confectioners sugar (or none at all) to your desired sweetness. Continue whipping.

4. Once sugar is combined, add the flavoring of your choice, if any. Continue whipping.

5. Stop whipping once you’ve reached your desired consistency and add to your favorite dessert or sweet breakfast! (I like mine decently stiff, but does not stick to a spoon if turned over.)

6. That’s it. You’re done. Enjoy!